Modern Families
Our modern families team is uniquely qualified to advise and assist in relation to modern families. Our members are the leading experts and advocates in this area of law, especially in the recognition of foreign same-sex relationships, protecting the family and parental rights of children of modern families, and in relation to fertility law.
Our members invented the use of guardianship to extend parental rights to same-sex spouses [e.g. AA v. BB [2021] 2 HKLRD 1225], adoption orders for same-sex partners [e.g. Re M [2021] 4 HKLRD 476], foster to adopt [e.g. Re G [2018] 4 HKC 518 and on appeal in [2020] HKCA 307], and have pioneered recognition of same-sex marriages [e.g. Leung Chun Kwong v. Secretary for the Civil Service and Anor [2019] 22 HKCFAR 282]. They are willing and available to advise in relation to surrogacy and other fertility issues.
For more information about our experience, please contact our support team or see the profiles of our members.
Areas of Experience
Recognition of Foreign Same-sex Marriages
Deeds of Family Arrangement
Guardianship of Custody orders
Fertility law
Surrogacy and assisted reproduction
Donor conception
Adoption and parental rights
Fertility treatment law
Adoption of children
Parental rights orders
Declarations of parentage, legitimacy etc.
International Children law
Immigration issues

Clerk l Harjot Singh Grewal
CPD l Sukie Cheung
Relevant Barristers
Christie Lee
Vivienne Chen
Areas of Experience
Construction Contracts and Agreements
Construction Litigation and Disputes
Professional Negligence in Construction
Construction Arbitration and Mediation
Construction Health and Safety Compliance
Construction Regulatory Compliance

Our modern families team is uniquely qualified to advise and assist in relation to modern families. Our members are the leading experts and advocates in this area of law, especially in the recognition of foreign same-sex relationships, protecting the family and parental rights of children of modern families, and in relation to fertility law.
Our members invented the use of guardianship to extend parental rights to same-sex spouses [e.g. AA v. BB [2021] 2 HKLRD 1225], adoption orders for same-sex partners [e.g. Re M [2021] 4 HKLRD 476], foster to adopt [e.g. Re G [2018] 4 HKC 518 and on appeal in [2020] HKCA 307], and have pioneered recognition of same-sex marriages [e.g. Leung Chun Kwong v. Secretary for the Civil Service and Anor [2019] 22 HKCFAR 282]. They are willing and available to advise in relation to surrogacy and other fertility issues.
For more information about our experience, please contact our support team or see the profiles of our members.
Areas of Experience
Recognition of Foreign Same-sex Marriages
Deeds of Family Arrangement
Guardianship of Custody orders
Fertility law
Surrogacy and assisted reproduction
Donor conception
Adoption and parental rights
Fertility treatment law
Adoption of children
Parental rights orders
Declarations of parentage, legitimacy etc.
International Children law
Immigration issues

Modern Families
Barrister's Clerk
Harjot Singh Grewal
Sukie Cheung
Christie Lee
Vivienne Chen