Divorce & Separation
Chambers has dealt with many of the most difficult and complex matters related to the divorce, separation and marital status. Our members are experienced across aspects of divorce and marriage law, often appearing alone against senior counsel, or lead by foreign King's Counsel.
They have made new law and been pioneers in this area, in particular in relation to the status of forced marriages [e.g. Re M [2021] 4 HKLRD 476], recognition of Sharia marriage [e.g. Re M [2021] 4 HKLRD 476], divorce obtained by fraud [e.g. Singh Sandeep v. Adita Adila Afriani [2021] HKCA 469], and recognition of same-sex marriages [e.g. Leung Chun Kwong v. Secretary for the Civil Service and Anor [2019] 22 HKCFAR 282].
For more information about our experience, please contact our support team or see the profiles of our members.
Areas of Experience
Marital Status & Recognition of Foreign Marriage
Judicial Separation
Forced Marriage
Jurisdictional Challenges

Clerk l Harjot Singh Grewal
CPD l Sukie Cheung
Relevant Barristers
Areas of Experience
Construction Contracts and Agreements
Construction Litigation and Disputes
Professional Negligence in Construction
Construction Arbitration and Mediation
Construction Health and Safety Compliance
Construction Regulatory Compliance

Pantheon Chambers has dealt with many of the most difficult and complex matters related to the divorce, separation and marital status. Our members are experienced across aspects of divorce and marriage law, often appearing alone against senior counsel, or lead by foreign King's Counsel.
They have made new law and been pioneers in this area, in particular in relation to the status of forced marriages [e.g. Re M [2021] 4 HKLRD 476], recognition of Sharia marriage [e.g. Re M [2021] 4 HKLRD 476], divorce obtained by fraud [e.g. Singh Sandeep v. Adita Adila Afriani [2021] HKCA 469], and recognition of same-sex marriages [e.g. Leung Chun Kwong v. Secretary for the Civil Service and Anor [2019] 22 HKCFAR 282].
For more information about our experience, please contact our support team or see the profiles of our members.
Areas of Experience
Marital Status & Recognition of Foreign Marriage
Judicial Separation
Forced Marriage
Jurisdictional Challenges

Divorce & Separation
Barrister's Clerk
Harjot Singh Grewal
Sukie Cheung